Business benefits
Map for easy
place selection
All functions
are free
Quick and easy
online booking
Comfortable software
for your staff
How It Works
Using our service won`t make it difficult for owners or customers. Let`s talk about the steps of working with Me-Booking:
Creating a QR code
Register on our website, mark your establishment on the map and generate a code;
Map the place
In the account, add a map of your establishment so that the user can choose comfortable location;
Notification of booking
When a customer scans the code and makes a reservation you will be notified. The customer is then provided with a QR code ticket with which they can get into the establishment quicker;
Examples of use
The QR code for booking has many uses. It is suitable for all the establishments, where the client can book a table, a room or to get the service by choosing the time. Let`s consider some examples of using such a QR code
Create reservation QR NOwRestaurants
Give the customer an opportunity to choose and reserve a table at the desired time
If entrance to the beach or places on it are paid, it will be much more convenient for the visitors to reserve a chair in advance and see the number of places left
Public areas
Create such codes for exhibitions, galleries, hotels and hostels for the convenience of your customers
Benefits for Customers
You can use our service for free and without restrictions
We guarantee the security and privacy of your data
Create QR codes and access their content in just a few clicks
Our Happy Clients
Ready to use our service?
Try to create and test a QR code? Then click the button below